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See LEARNDASH-3503 $( modal_wrapper ).prependTo( 'body' ); } } function openLoginModal() { var modal_wrapper = $( '.learndash-wrapper-login-modal' ); if ( ( 'undefined' !== typeof modal_wrapper ) && ( modal_wrapper.length ) ) { $( modal_wrapper ).addClass( 'ld-modal-open' ); $( modal_wrapper ).removeClass( 'ld-modal-closed' ); // Removed LEARNDASH-3867 #4 $( 'html, body' ).animate( { scrollTop: $( '.ld-modal', modal_wrapper ).offset().top, }, 50 ); } } function closeLoginModal() { var modal_wrapper = $( '.learndash-wrapper-login-modal' ); if ( ( 'undefined' !== typeof modal_wrapper ) && ( modal_wrapper.length ) ) { $( modal_wrapper ).removeClass( 'ld-modal-open' ); $( modal_wrapper ).addClass( 'ld-modal-closed' ); } } function positionTooltips() { if ( 'undefined' !== typeof $tooltips ) { setTimeout( function() { $tooltips.each( function() { var anchor = $( this ); var $rel_id = anchor.attr( 'data-ld-tooltip-id' ); $tooltip = $( '#ld-tooltip-' + $rel_id ); if ( anchor.hasClass( 'ld-item-list-item' ) ) { //anchor = anchor.find('.ld-item-title'); 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